Maison Picassiette, a masterpiece of popular art in the heart of Chartres

The Maison Picassiette is a unique private house in Chartres, France, which is stunning for its mosaics made from broken glass, porcelain and other waste materials. The house was built in the 1930s by Raymond Isidore, an amateur artist who was inspired by ancient Mayan and Aztec art.

Work on the mosaic began in 1932. Using materials found in rubbish dumps, Isidore assembled the mosaics according to his own designs and patterns, transforming his home into a true work of art. It is remarkable that he used only four tools to create this magnificent mosaic: a shovel, a soup spoon, a fork and a penknife and, of course, his hands.

The house was opened to the public in 1952 and quickly became one of the main tourist attractions in Chartres. The Picassiette House is a testament to the talent and imagination of Raymond, who, with no formal artistic training, began work on the house at the age of 58 and continued until his death in 1962.

The Picassiet House is a unique example of folk art that shows that you don’t need expensive materials to create a true masterpiece, just passion, talent and endless inspiration.

If you find yourself in Chartres, be sure to visit this place to fully appreciate the beauty of folk art and learn the story of the man who created this masterpiece.

Prepared by Mary Clair

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