Pet Shop Boys dedicate their new song to Putin


British band Pet Shop Boys decided to immortalise Russian President Vladimir Putin by dedicating their new song Living In The Past to him. The video for the song is mostly composed of shots of the Russian president’s inauguration, with short interludes of laying flowers at Stalin’s monument in Volgograd, detentions during protests and military marching.

Pet Shop Boys dedicate their new song to Putin

The lyrics say on Putin’s behalf that he wants to be feared as Stalin was feared: “Like him, I’ll win. I won’t be eclipsed. I want men to die with my name on their lips.”

In May last year, the group published a post on Facebook expressing its attitude to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“In 2009, we started the Pandemonium world tour in St Petersburg. We’ve visited Russia many times and written songs with Russian themes and influences. Now it is inconceivable that we can visit or perform there,” the musicians’ post said. – “But we look forward to the day when criminal politicians face justice, truth is told, and neighbouring countries aren’t invaded or threatened.”



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