Nota Bene

Your trusted guide to knowledge and creativity, where curiosity thrives, ideas blossom and inspiration abounds...
Light pollution and its effect on human mental health
Light pollution and its effect on human mental health
A recent global study involving nearly 87,000 people has found that light pollution can have a negative impact on human ...
Expanding list of banned tattoo pigments in the EU: The hidden dangers and impacts on the vibrant world of body art
Expanding list of banned tattoo pigments in the EU: The hidden dangers and impacts on the vibrant world of body art
Scientists have concluded that a number of pigments in the colours used for tattoos are potentially dangerous to human health. ...
Most of the waste on the Pacific Garbage Island comes from five countries
Most of the waste on the Pacific Garbage Island comes from five countries
Tens of thousands of tonnes of plastic waste are floating in the North Pacific Ocean, forming a giant garbage island ...
Wind turbines emit a very dangerous, climate-changing gas
Wind turbines emit a very dangerous, climate-changing gas
The energy solution often labelled ‘green’ may not be as environmentally friendly as we think. The much-vaunted wind turbines emit ...

To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.

Marilyn vos Savant
Marilyn vos Savant
American novelist, playwright and journalist
Migraine: Causes and treatments
Migraine: Causes and treatments
Anyone who has had a migraine knows how debilitating it can be. An attack starts with a throbbing, often one-sided, ...
How long nicotine stays in our bodies and what factors affect it
How long nicotine stays in our bodies and what factors affect it
People today are more concerned about their health than ever before. Many people are trying to get rid of addictions, ...
Is salt a friend or a foe, and can we do without it altogether?
Is salt a friend or a foe, and can we do without it altogether?
For centuries, salt has been an essential part of the human diet, adding flavour to food and improving its shelf ...
Should you cleanse your liver? Uncovering the truth behind liver detox.
Should you cleanse your liver? Uncovering the truth behind liver detox.
The liver is a multifunctional organ that performs important biological functions in the body. It is involved in food processing, ...
The art of haiku: Revealing the Elegance of Japanese Poetry
The art of haiku: Revealing the Elegance of Japanese Poetry
Haiku is one of the most recognisable forms of Japanese poetry, which originated in the 17th century and gained worldwide ...
Scorpions удивили организаторов таллиннского концерта своими требованиями
Scorpions surprise organisers of Tallinn concert with their demands
ESTONIA – CULTURE Rock band Scorpions, who will perform in Tallinn on 17 June, have asked the organisers to provide ...
Jennifer Aniston: "An entire generation finds 'Friends' offensive"
Jennifer Aniston: “An entire generation finds ‘Friends’ offensive”
USA – CINEMA On the occasion of the debut of “Murder Mystery 2” on Netflix, actress Jennifer Aniston shared her ...
Germany has published a Bible with a gender-neutral god
Germany has published a Bible with a gender-neutral god
GERMANY – CULTURE A new children’s Bible has been published in Germany which, according to publishers, reflects the diversity of ...

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